Greetings Everyone!!! It is with some sadness and excited for what is to come, that I inform you this even will no longer take place. Thank you to all who came and supported a unified humanity focused on joyful exploration of each others religious language. Thank you to all who came who walked through whatever fears you held to explore and talk with "others".
I do not know if I am able to show my deep gratitude for the years of support I received to help hold this event. There are to many of you to name here! My love always.
My deepest respect and love to the ambassadors that poured everything they had into upholding the vision of unity and dedication to all life. My Prayers of deep peace to the center of your being and all your ancestors, and to those who are coming.
I leave you all with this one question... To what do you turn your mind and heart, when you realize you are searching for peace?
Kathleen Rouleau
I do not know if I am able to show my deep gratitude for the years of support I received to help hold this event. There are to many of you to name here! My love always.
My deepest respect and love to the ambassadors that poured everything they had into upholding the vision of unity and dedication to all life. My Prayers of deep peace to the center of your being and all your ancestors, and to those who are coming.
I leave you all with this one question... To what do you turn your mind and heart, when you realize you are searching for peace?
Kathleen Rouleau